Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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(I'm wondering, if I cross-post my longer posts here, will it help keep poor shipwrecked old Ambiv from being a magnet for spam barnacles?)


No clue.

Would it help if you posted your longer posts here and then cross-posted them there?


No clue, either. But it would violate my perfectly silly and arbitrary feeling of needing to do something new.


Well, at least it will feed the habit of us Internet junkies who still check here regularly. (If not quite as compulsively as we used to.)


And maybe it will get you to come over and check out the other place, where there's a lot more going on.


(I don't mean you haven't been there, I just mean maybe you'll get comfortable with it.)


I don't tweet. Everything I read about it makes me so glad, but then, that's what my non-blogging friends say about blogs.


Moderation in all things, eh? I find with any new social network, I tend to get sucked in for a while, then the longing for a little more balance asserts itself, and I learn to tame the beast and ride it instead of being ridden. Now the trick is juggling all of them.

I spent the morning pruning and transplanting and getting my fingernails very dirty. Bliss.


Yes, you know, what I got from my "Internet sabbath" was a new ability and determination to consciously savor my life offline and notice how very different it is -- not to mix the two u.


"(I don't mean you haven't been there, I just mean maybe you'll get comfortable with it.)"

I really hope so, amba. I know it's cool and happening, but- too much change is going on already- a new place to call my bloghome is psychologically harder than i thought. I really don't know why, either. I LIKE Ambiance- it just doesn't feel the same- maybe like- the same house, but the furniture is all in different spots and i don't seem to know anybody, anymore-- it's weirdy- a tad.

I would just like to say to Peter- i think it was you whom i offended by calling Obama... BObama. For Barack Obama. Well, they named the dog Beau. When i heard that, i admit to cracking up. Still.


I think they actually spell it Bo.


I didn't dare write Bo for fear of sounding too-- racist? Why, is Bo racist? or... Why is Bo racist? I plead not really knowing for lack of-- not knowing. You know?


I suppose when you say BObama, people think you mean body odor? As in, he stinks?


That would be rich, coming from a farmer!!! Heh- i'll invite him up for coffee and a birthing and he'll be calling ME BObama:0)!


Love this post. Love the over-use of parantheses in all the comments too. You're seriously inside my head with this one.


Heh! I'm glad.

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