Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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Hey Melinda- are you here? It's just starting...

Amba, your the junkie- i'm the glutton for punishment. May i just say- i'm going to go to channel 5 because i hate Katie Couric's groups of undecided voters.


"We're the knights of the round table..."




Don't forget how much slower my computer is than yours.


Joe the Plumber is now the most popular guy in America.


I hope Joe the Plumber gets famous over this.


I just posted "Joe the Plumber is now the most popular guy in America" but typepad ate it. Great minds think alike.



Mc seems to like this format, eh? Do you think B.Obama is going to relax sometime soon... ahhhhhhh- quite the question from Bob. Diggin' up the nasty accusations.


Did B.Obama ever say that the 1st act of his Presidency would be to overturn the ban on partial-birth abortions? I thought that he did. Yet, there he goes blurring the lines of the compassionate proChoice pol.

I really think Mc was on the $$$$ tonight.

I admire B.Obama's intelligence, but i still believe him a liar.


The winner tonight: Schieffer. Best questions.


Am i the only Knight left tonight?
Where'd you go, Melinda?


Amba, you've done it again!! How do you get everything so straight and do all that you have to do to keep peace and comfort- and a paying job to boot?


I'm calling it a night early. Very long day.

Annie, thanks once again!

Donna B.

Obama: "This is going to be one of the most consequential decisions" the next president will make. "One of us will appoint at least one justice. Roe v. Wade probably hangs in the balance."

May I call BS? Roe v Wade ain't going nowhere and is not even on the waiting list of hanging in the balance.

It's emotional, yes. But it does not concern most people because all it allows is a "choice" and most do not disagree with that.

I've got problems with late term abortions - if a woman can't figure out before the 8th month (or 4th month) that she doesn't want to have a baby... well, tough luck, I say. Give it up for adoption.

But I am not going to judge a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant and most likely took measures to prevent it... I'm not out to punish anyone.

While I don't necessarily agree with the way Roe v Wade was decided, it's technicalities more than substance.


Health care is an investment that saves Medicare and Medicaid in the future.

No, better health care NOW ensures that Medicare will cost even more as people live longer. It's the same thing as people costing more over time if they quit smoking (or never smoke) than if they do. The best thing for Medicare (cost-wise) would be to teach every kindergartner to smoke their first day in school, and to provide free unfiltered cigarettes for everyone. With extra tar for a smooth, rich taste.


For example, my brother isn't going to cost Medicare a dime, because he's going to be dead before he's eligible. I, on the other hand, might cost a bundle since I don't smoke and may well last to 100.

(Okay, I won't last that long. I doubt I will survive 2028. It's that damned twenty year thing.)


"damned twenty year thing"??

sail on

Obama had some lesser moments but he came across as genuine and plausibly presidential while McCain had numerous stumbles, illogical
/unrelated (even garble d)responses and a lame line on Joe the Plumber (aka Joe Sixpack - is that his beverage or his abs?)

Obama has swept the debates, cinfidently and clearly (a few nitpicky points notwithstanding)

Only the election truly counts, and I look forward to casting my first in-person (not absentee) ballot in 20 years, in Florida - after yesterday voting for no discernible change in the Canadian federal election.


McCain was much better tonight than last week. But his nervous laugh and his eye-rolling rival Al Gore's sighs for most annoying debate characteristics.

I predicted some weeks ago that from that point forward it would be all downhill for McCain. It was a wild-ass guess, but I was right. I should hire myself out as a pundit. This race is over, barring a major world event (a really bad terrorist attack) or an enormous Bradley effect. It will tighten a bit, but not enough to make a difference. Obama will get at least 300 electoral votes. Take that to Vegas. And guess what? The world won' end. I wonder how many of you in the anti-Obama camp will be willing to give him a fair shake as president. Full disclosure: I never gave W a fair shake, but then again he didn't deserve one. I thought his one fine moment was his speech to Congress after 9/11.W makes Hoover and McKinley look like Lincoln and Jefferson.

RW Rogers

Canadians can be dual citizens, sail on?


RW, why does he have to be a citizen to vote? Fictional characters are voting in Florida, felons are voting in Florida. So do residents of New York, New Jersey, etc. Why not Canadians?

That's depressing.

Just remember that all the candidates suck, and then ignore the debate. You'll feel much better in the morning.

"damned twenty year thing"??

Every twenty years a gigantic crap sandwich is delivered to me, and I have to eat it. In the last year my family has had (at least) two incidents of cancer, four deaths (I forgot about a cousin earlier today when I said it was three), a home invasion, a burglery, a job lost because my (former) boss was an asshole, and at least one more death on the way. The funny thing is, as bad as my year has been I'm actually getting off relatively light this time.

And 20 years ago it was a mysterious illness that left my mother in a coma, a car accident that damn near killed my brother and me (the list of injuries is too long to recount), a long painful recovery, another asshole of a boss (what kind of man tries to start a fight with an employee that's on crutches?), more cancer, a stupid doctor, the death of my father in part because of said stupid doctor, an inguinal hernia for me (as if I didn't have enough problems), an horrendous case of strep throat (resistant to antibiotics), and who knows what else that I forgot.

And 20 years before THAT I had the worst luck of all - I was born. Thrust out of the snug, warm comfort of the womb into this vale of tears. That was the worst deal I ever got!

So I've already circled 2028 on my mental calendar. I'm sure it will suck, I just don't know how. If I could crawl under a rock and hide for a couple of years I'd do it, but I'm sure I'd be stung by scorpions. I fully expect to die some gruesome death that year, as I don't think I'll be able to withstand the abuse at age 60.


holy shit . . .


Those were my thoughts, exactly, amba.

Man- kinda does put last night's debate down the memory hole when compared, eh?

I'm glad you're still alive. I'm going to think of you as ~Sunshine~ from now on, but you have a geat mind, Outis:0).


Nice to know that you're willing to demand from others that which you won't give yourself, Ally. I myself don't think Sen. Obama "deserves" a fair shake, because he's shown himself over his career to be a calculating political opportunist. But I'll still give him a fair shake, because I know that my opinion of him is likely colored by my own political policy preferences. It's a pity that the vituperative opponents of President Bush won't do the same, and never would.

If you're interested, that self-righteousness, that assuredness that YOUR opinion of the "stupidity" of those who disagree with your political views is and must be valid, while the other sides similar opinions of your candidate must be irrational, is what really turns a lot of folks against extreme partisans on both sides.


Amba, Karen, it's a thing. What's really happening is that I'm experiencing just a little more crap in my life than most people do. But it gets bunched up into high concentrations. If it were spread out over time then it wouldn't look so bad.

But everyone gets sick. Almost everyone has at least some moderate injuries in their lives. Everyone dies. And all but the most unfortunate of us experience the deaths of loved ones. (The very unfortunate die too young to experience the pain of losing someone. Remember THAT the next time you're at a funeral - you're fortunate to feel the loss.) Most of us have had our hearts broken at least once, and many have their dreams trampled at some point in their lives.

Against all that? We're here. The joys of living are ours to relish.

Finally, I never have to look THAT hard to see people that have it worse than I do, both close to home and in the wider human experience. No matter what, I've been born into a time and place that makes almost every other time and place pale in comparison. They can't take THAT away from me until they invent working time-travel machines!

In the meantime I will bitch and moan about how crappy every twentieth year is. The next will be better. Then I can get back to bitching and moaning about less important things, such as the bad personnel decisions my favorite team makes in any given year.


Let me add Outis's 11:43 to the honor roll. Not to mention Charlie's explaining.


Outis: I'm really sorry you're going through all that. Here's hoping the crap sandwich delivery guy gets lost on the way to your house.

sail on

Sorry RW, I went to bed before you posted your question. Yes, we can be dual citizens and vote/work/live/travel in either or in both countries. It was the US that didn't allow dual citizenship until the 1970s (I think). There are many advantages but also sticky tax issues. It works out OK if you live & work in Canada, because Canadian taxes are higher (to pay for our valuable subsidized health care) and the US grants us credit for taxes paid to Canada. Unless I earn over about $120,000 (haha) I don't owe US income tax but I must declare my Cdn. income & taxes paid so Uncle Sam can keep track of me.


My brother married a gal from Quebec- and lived across the Boarder until his Landscaping business got rather large over here. It was ok travelwise, but as it got more difficult crossing the Boarder and his kids got older, they decided to come sown here and i think they are happy w/their decision.

Except the kids have lost most of their French. I wish my Dad had talked my Mom into raising us biligual. I'd love to know more than common swear words and my prayers. And you wonder why i can seem so extreme at times.


Thanks for the personal insults, Pat. That really elevates the conversation. I was trying to be honest about my own shortcomings. Guess that wasn't wise.

And I'm not a partisan. I'm an independent who happens to thoroughly disagree with those of you who see Obama in such a negative light. Never the twain shall meet, but he strikes me as a potentially transformational leader, and I enthusiastically support his candidacy.

So, let me reframe the question that sent you off the deep end: if Obama proves to be better than you expected, will you be able to admit it? Or are you so blinded by your dislike of him that you'll find reasons, a la Limbaugh, to tear him down no matter what?

I'm confident that if Obama turns out to be disappointing, I'll see it and acknowledge it. Had Bush turned out better than I anticipated, would I have been able to acknowledge it? We'll never know. He was even worse than I ever dreamed he could be.

By the way, I never called anyone who disagrees with me stupid, or even hinted at it. I just asked whether you'd be open-minded. Your vituperative response answered that question.


I'm confident that if Obama turns out to be disappointing, I'll see it and acknowledge it.

Hasn't Obama already turned out to be disappointing?


Never the twain shall meet, but he strikes me as a potentially transformational leader, and I enthusiastically support his candidacy.

This is entirely the problem. Some of us don't want to be transformed, either in part or in whole. Especially not by government, which implicitly or explicitly holds a gun to our head.

RW Rogers

Ally, transformational leaders don't publicly ridicule ordinary Americans who happened to ask them a tough question, sick their organizational might to smear them them in the press, nor bring the power of the state to render them unemployed. Chicago pols may do so, but transformational leaders do not. What is being done right now to this guy Joe is yet one more example of the intolerance of dissent exhibited by Obama and his organization, the witch hunt that Obama's supporters actively engage in with Obama's tacit or covert support, the attempt to suppress free speech that characterizes the Obama campaign, and a foreboding of the intolerant, oppressive and imperial presidency we are about to endure.


Outis -- And when government checks out, we get the financial crisis. No thanks.

RW Rogers -- Apparently we live in different realities. You seem to be suggesting that when a candidate holds someone up as a paragon of American virtues, that the press should slavishly accept the spin and not examine who the guy really is? In any case, I don't think Joe comes off looking bad. I watched his press conference online, and though we probably disagree politically, I really liked the guy.

Both comments demonstrate that my fears are justified, that we are so polarized that people like you two will never even give Obama a chance to prove you wrong. You'll just slice reality in whatever way makes it fit into your preconceived notions.


Ally -- if you're not too polarized yet, you'll like this. This guy is the most honest man on the right. Even if you didn't agree with him about 99% of what you were both saying, you could still talk to him. Always. And you'd still respect him.

RW Rogers

We don't live in different realities, Ally. That's as disingenuous a response as Reynolds's assertions that the McCain supporters posting comments here are racists. You apparently have a high tolerance for vindictive harassment of ordinary Americans for expressing their opinions. That does not reflect a different reality, Ally - that's a reflection of your personal ethics. Your support the intrusive invasion of the private lives of ordinary Americans in order to deflect criticism of public policy points is noted. Your lack of concern for the chilling effect of such tactics is noted.


RW Rogers --

Yes, we live in different realities because I don't even understand what the hell you're trying to say.

And talk about chilling -- what do you mean by "is noted?" Why the passive voice? Is noted by whom? You or some vast body of disapproving scolds? Or is a death squad going to appear at my door?

RW Rogers

There you go again, Ally. Changing the subject to portray yourself as victim. You are the one who is approving the public humiliation and intimidation ordinary Americans who ask questions, not me. I'm just acknowledging your justifications.


Outis -- And when government checks out, we get the financial crisis. No thanks.

If you are referring to the present financial crisis, that has more to do with the government being checked in than checked out. A curse upon the CRA and Sarbanes-Oxley, amongst many other programs.


Both comments demonstrate that my fears are justified, that we are so polarized that people like you two will never even give Obama a chance to prove you wrong. You'll just slice reality in whatever way makes it fit into your preconceived notions.

Given that you think the "Joe the Plumber" story is about a guy named Joe, and NOT Obama's response, I can see that you too will slice reality to fit your preconsceptions.

The problem with the Joe's question is that Obama came out and explicitly said he wanted "spread the wealth around". Trying to ruin the guy that asked the question is merely a diversion from the real story, which is Obama's actually stating that he wants to strip people of their property to satisfy his whims about "social justice".


McCain dragged the poor schmoe into the limelight, portraying him as the embodiment of all American virtues. The media did what the media does, which is often ugly, I'll agree. And somehow Obama gets the blame?

And raising taxes by what I've read is 3 percent on people making over 250k is hardly a socialistic redistribution of wealth, is it?

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