Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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Lisa V

Your last line- agreed. We are offered so much schlock via television and recognize that frequently. Seldomly do we celebrate the truly great offerings that come along with the bad.

It was a great episode.

Ruth Anne

How's that non-blogging going for you, Amba?



But there is a difference. If I have nothing to say I'm not going to say it. I mean, I'm not going to go in search of something to say.

Ruth Anne

I think you just found the sure-fire cure for blogger's block.

I also know you're up and about because I just read a comment from you [turtles? We don't need no stinkin' turtles!] over at the House of Alt.


Last night makes up for that horrible previous episode.

I think the most surprising ending would be if Tony lives. Everyone is expecting him to be killed (perhaps by AJ?). It would be great for him to go out on top, having killed Phil (or maybe have AJ kill Phil to take his proper place by Tony's side?)

Bummer: No episode next week. WE have to wait two weeks for the next one. :(


No, it's good. We need two weeks to absorb this one. (AND the last one.)

A.J. may be "getting in touch with his anger," but I don't think he has it in him to kill his father. It's his father who saved his life. The episode ended with a real bond between them.

Tragedy ends with the death of the hero, right? Comedy ends with a wedding. This may be both. Whoever said Meadow might become the head of the family might not have been so far off!


Your comment about watching great art being created is so true. I hope you will catch up on the Wire in time for the new HBO season and provide us with your commentary; in my mind, it provides a richness of scope and humanity unparalleled by anything else on TV, even the Sopranos. We are so lucky to be able to watch these masterpieces unfold.


I'm very sorry to have missed "The Wire" so far. I have a hangup about not coming in in the middle of a series (although I actually did start watching the Sopranos in the second season). Now, of course, with DVDs, I don't have to. You've reminded me to get "The Wire" from Netflix.


That really is the beauty of DVDs? Coming in mid-series is so difficult, and with the Wire it would be especially hard because the experience of watching the show is like watching a novel unfold. I'm excited for you to start at the beginning. I loved it from the start, but some die-hard Wire watchers I know took a few episodes to warm up to the dense and poetic language of the dialogue (a friend watches the show with the close-captioning on for this very reason). I'll eagerly await your always incisive take.

Vail Beach

I was racing home last night with my son to watch the show. He's 16 and makes fun of my wife and me for being such Sopranos fanatics.

So what suddenly came to mind was how lucky he was. "I envy you. One of these days, you're going to discover it, and realize it's the greatest literature of this era -- and you're going to have almost 90 hours of it to watch, and it'll all be new to you."


Vail Beach:

When we were kids (this will really, really date me), we were allowed to watch a limited amount of (black-and-white) television. My mother called 5 o'clock, when she would start making dinner and park us in front of the hotly anticipated Mickey Mouse Club, "the holy hour."

That phrase often comes to mind as I arrange my life around 9 PM Sunday night. Of course I could record it, or watch it in repeats later in the week or on demand. It wouldn't be quite the same. Talk about "Appointment television."

I envy your son, too.

Buster Bluth

I'm happy to see some comments about The Wire. It's a shame that everyone is so fixated on The Sopranos when there is art that is much more intelligent, compelling, and important available in the exact same popular medium. It's like comparing Arrested Development with Everybody Loves Raymond. Oh wait, no one watched AD either?

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