Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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"On the contrary, we are what we write. It felt like Tamar and I already knew each other in some essential way. Blogging together certainly bypasses all the formalities and unfamiliarities, so you meet with a remarkable level of ready-made comfort and intimacy."

Yes, that's how I felt too. Well put, Amba. And yet I also wonder if we choose who to meet "in the flesh" based on "you are what you write." For example, would we want/choose to meet someone whose writing disturbed or concerned us - or was so "other" to who we are?


I'm sure we do so choose. We may correspond with people we clash with, but we probably don't care to be friends with them (unless the clashing is of a fun and friendly sort, which does happen -- you can really like someone you disagree with).

(I'm working on those questions!)

Ronni Bennett

You're right, amba. being neighbors and not having met yet is so New York. Funny sorta related story:

Many years ago at a party in the Village, I met a really nice guy. We'd had a lovely time, and he offered to walk me home. As we got closer to my apartment (then on Waverly Place), he looked at me kind of sideways and said, "Where did you say you live? What address?"

Hah! We'd both lived in the same building for several years and never met - not at the door or the mailboxes or the laundry room. I often wonder how many terrific people are right under our noses, but we somehow pass in the night, never meeting.


Thank you very much, Amba.
This is exactly my aim with my posts on Iceland; that travelers will feel welcome to Iceland; that they will get to know the relaxed sense of freedom and peace that this country has to offer in a turbulent world; that they will become curious to experience the wonders of nature in our unique island.
...Welcome, Amba!


A very similar situation occurs in online gaming. I played Everquest for years, and now play EQ2, other similar games include Worlds of Warcraft, City of Heroes, Dark Age of Camelot, Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and several others.

People in those games usually are required to group with multiple others to get their goals accomplished, and often form friendships, guilds of people with similar interests or goals, and can chat with people on the other side of the globe.

The main difference is that there are conventions at which fans of these games can go to meet each other, often finding out that the petite female gnome they know so well in-game is a 300 pound 6'4" ex linebacker.

I suppose there probably are "bloggercons" out there too, I'm new to this arena.



I often wonder how trusting I can be with the people I feel such affinity with. Things written and posted, I can't take back. All of it is personal and a part of what makes me myself. I always feel welcomed at Ambivablog and truly admire and respect you and even the ones I do contend w/ on views (sleip, you hear me??) My world was pretty lonely before I met my blogpals. I enjoy the diversity. if ever in the Northeast Kingdom of VT, let me know, I'd love to meet any/all of you. I, personally, do not travel well.

My husband hates the computer. I try to share w/him my conversations and all I've learned, to no avail. All he doesn't care to discuss, I blab here.

Thank you for your friendship. :)


Sleip: Really? Do people cast themselves that totally against type? How liberating, in a way!

Ronni is off to a women's bloggercon of sorts called BlogHer. I'm jealous.

Karen, we have been there before I knew you. We have friends in Burlington, in Peacham, and close karate friends who just moved to Stowe. We have to make a trip up there again. I would so love to meet you -- and the cows! Thank you, I am honored that you feel at home here.

Greta, my husband and I travel a lot, or we did before he was disabled -- and we still do a little. But we never travel as tourists, just to see places; we're always going to visit somebody. Now I have someone to visit in Iceland!

(I passed through on the way to Japan, in the old days when planes couldn't make it all the way. I bought a beautiful woolen cloak there.)


After a few months of blogging, I noticed that I've become part of a a group of people in Los Angeles who read and write on each other's blogs. One of them recently suggested that we meet at a bar next week. Frankly, I'm a little nervous about the whole thing because I'm not sure I'm exactly the same person in the flesh that I am when I'm blogging (where I have a lot more freedom to write whatever the hell I want). I know it sounds neurotic, but will I disappoint them? Have you ever gone to a lecture or book reading by a favorite author, and the guy is just plain dull?


Neil - the title of my post today coincidentally is: "Just be yourself." Good luck with the meeting. I wonder who you will feel comfortable with - or not?


Neil --

For many years I would have had that fear. I didn't stop worrying that people would find me dull until . . . when? It took decades. I was at least in my forties and maybe even over 50.

What happened to change it? I'm not sure, except that I know an important part of it was a prolonged, crazy relationship (no, not sexual, at least not literally) with two people in which I made a pretty complete fool of myself and lived to tell the tale. That was such a great psychological workout that after that I just, I don't know . . . accepted myself and didn't care so much if others did or not? It's a mystery. I earned my spurs as a human, I guess. Took the plunge into folly.


One big difference between blogs & online gaming is that generally (though not always) people think through what they type on blogs a little more carefully than the impromptu conversations they have on line.

Casting against type is quite common - perhaps a form of wishful thinking - but there are some who try to pick characters like themselves. I know of a guy who in real life is nicknamed "The Ogre" who always plays one in game too. The most common form is male players playing female characters - often by guys who are more straight than Bush. Not sure about the psychology behind that, but sometimes other players are more generous to or friendly with female toons.


Course the generosity may be due to the fact that most female game toons have enormous gazangas ;)


I think that should be "humongous gazangas," Sleip.

Do they really call them "toons"? Shades of one of my favorite movies, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"


Peacham is about 45min-1 hr away(South) of here. Wow!!! That close and I wish I had known you then...

Stowe is down the road about 40 mins(again, South) and on Rte 100, the Route that runs through here. B-town, 1 1/2 hrs away...south. Not anything really North of here except Canada :0)


Yeah, toons is the commonly accepted term.

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way
- Jessica Rabbit


Hey Amba,
You've been to Peacham?? I grew up in Groton which is the next town south of there. Cool. Make sure you visit me whenever you're up this way again. But don't visit Karen. Just kidding karen. :-)


I suspect that taking on the female gaming character is similar to the hetero crossdressing of Ed Woods and many others. There is, at an abstract level, penetration involved.

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