Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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Am really close to you on #3, and although I have been married 4 times I feel as if I have never had a *real* wedding either.

But then I wonder if what you, I or anyone mean by real is the same thing.

And, as usual, you are a fascinating to read and get to know!


Wow, incredible! It's amazing how much you can learn about someone from a simple list of 10 things! Some of these, especially #2 and provocative #8, beg for more explanation. (I guess I should add "sans etre indiscret" to that comment--the term French people say when they're trying to pretend they're not being really nosey; often followed by "occupe-toi de tes oignons" which I deserve...)

I'm impressed by #3 (I am a raving drug addict in comparison) and #5 (in my house I don't ever remember a time when there wasn't my mother's or sister's yeast infection medication in the fridge--oy, talk about being "indiscret").

P.S. Is there a tape of the "Wheel of Fortune" performance? That sounds like a bit of must-see TV!

Richard Lawrence Cohen

Now that's what I call substantive! Not like, "Never drank Sutter Home white zinfandel."


Danny - yes, there is an old VHS tape of my "Wheel" performance - as well as of my (not terribly illustrious) "Jeopardy" performance. (No Ken Jennings I.) "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," here I come!

Are you saying that the French say, "Mind your own onions"?!? Cool!

Not that I'm saying it. I don't really know how to expand on either #2 or #8. When you live with someone for 21 years and then get married, it isn't much of a change. (It is a SUBTLE and significant change, and a good one.) I never got in the habit of wearing a ring, and outgrew any sentimentality I might have had about the idea before I had the opportunity.

Jacques still shudders at the words "husband" and "wife." I guess they sound too domesticated to him. He has been heard to call me his "girlfriend."

As for #8 . . . what can I say.


Hi. Here via Tamar's site. I told my parents about my wedding a few days before it, thinking they wouldn't come. They did but my mum still feels thwarted that there was no white dress, gaggle of bridesmaids and a marquee on the lawn. I have never seen any of an episode of Seinfeld. There is no good word for the person you live with. Partner sounds pompous, girlfriend sounds trivial, companion sounds passionless, other or better half sounds too jokey. There's no bearable expression.

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