Our PodGoddess paid a visit to my pad! She's small and round and soft and warm, and she smells good. Add to that spectacles, a sharp, challenging wit, and a South African accent, like British but with softer edges, and it's the perfect combination.
I found myself seeing her through child's eyes. If you were a small child, she'd be the magical good witch in a fairy tale, the one you instinctively trusted -- not too much bigger than you, soft-spoken and approachable, but also tart and irreverent. Just the one to lead you on an adventure or protect you from an ogre. Not so intimidating as Mary Poppins, but almost as deliciously unpredictable.
If only I lived in the 21st century and had a digital camera, we could have recorded this meeting Ă¡ la David and Danny. Or if only there were a child around with a magenta crayon! That would be even better.
This is the first time I've met a fellow blogger (not counting all the GottBlogs, of course), and to my relief, the transition to face-to-face is very natural. Tamar seemed to agree that what you see on someone's blog is very much what you get when you meet them. The conversation spills over from one channel to the other without a break; it simply continues. There may be exceptions, but on the whole, we're not a bunch of imposters hiding behind verbal masks, or Jekyll/Hydes or werewolves. Selkies, perhaps; were-dolphins who shed our land legs to sing in cyberspace, but that's not such a hairy transformation.
- amba
I love that description of Tamar: the magical good witch in a fairy tale! So accurate!
Posted by: Danny | May 26, 2005 at 08:36 PM
It fits her written persona perfectly. Lucky both of you! Now I'm waiting for Tamar's description of you. In fact this could be a meme if there weren't the little problem of airfare: Describe a fellow blogger based on the blog alone, then meet and see how well your description matches the reality.
Posted by: Richard Lawrence Cohen | May 26, 2005 at 11:22 PM
Amba, I am honored and touched by your description of me! [Am not quite sure about the "round" part, though :-)]
It was truly glorious meeting you and Jacques ... am home now so probably should post something about this, eh?
I adore Richard's "meme" idea. In fact, we probably should create a bloggers' fund for such a meme - or, at the very least, for our pod-mates! As "poddess" can I decree such a fund?
Posted by: Tamar | May 28, 2005 at 07:25 AM