Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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interesting entry! thanks for sharing!




A-- I like your stories... I agree with you: no matter what the odds of these coincidences (and I guess we do have millions of interactions each day that go unnoted, only remembering those rare ones that, for whatever reason, grab our attention), these moments hold value for us because they help illuminate some connection that is important for us. We are pattern-seekers by nature, I think, and your stories show more of the places we may find them.


Do you know Arthur Koestler's book on Serial Coincidence?It's most interesting and not in a new-agey way.
I am always puzzled as to why many people associate this kind of thing, including telepathy etc. with God and/or mysticism. I happen to believe in God (if rather unconventionally, as you know if you've seen my comic strips "Augustine interviews God") but I don't think there's anything mystical about what might be called the paranormal. We probably have more than five senses some of which are under-developed. If certain "serial coincidences", telepathic phenomena etc. can eventually be demonstrated to be fact and not fiction or superstition, it would not necessarily have anything to do with whether or not God exists. In my (humble? No) opinion, that's an entirely different question.

Kobayashi Maru

Even stranger: the timestamps on this post pre-date the posts it refers to! (OK, maybe that one has more conventional explanations. :)

Thanks for the TBs, Amba. Three thoughts:

1) Martin uses an overly simple, easy example to make a blanket case, without really addressing the expected frequency of far more complex and unlikely phenomena. That's partly due, I should think, to the fact that some of the phenomena I and others find most remarkable are absolutely unique.

E.g., a gutter-cleaning company "accidentally" coming to my house and cleaning my gutters (for free - because they were at the wrong house!) the very day that my brother relapsed with cancer, which was the day I was supposed to have called another gutter-cleaning company to come out. I didn't pick up the telephone to call. "Someone" got my subconscious message anyway.

There's no way to run an experiment on such a thing - for obvious reasons. But we know it's insanely unlikely and fortuitous.

2) What if coincidences are simply the 'glue' to ensure that we pay attention to key turning points in our lives? (e.g., some of the events you describe) We retain free will. It may be our actions (often but not always) resulting from our surprise at the coincidence that keep us on the right track on our life's path... that introduce us to a key person, that force us to stop and ponder, etc.

3) How is probability in any way contradictory to God? (Martin's supposition, not yours.) At the core of quantum mechanics and string theory lie "probability"... which is where I expect we'll eventually find God as well, as many scientists including Einstein have said.

P.S. putting your exact birthdate on a public website is a dangerous troll for identity theft.

Comment Pimpette

I like the story as well and the other day I was reminded about somthing that I was able to do as a young girl and another talent I had picked up in my 20's.

1. As a teenager, I used to know exactly what song would play next, before it was played or announced. I never put much thought into it at first and then later I mulled over all of the different possiblilities. I came to the conclusion (without ever really confirming it) that there must have been a certain pattern in the way the songs would be played.

this one is a little more difficult to explain:

In my 20's - when the phone would ring - before picking up the phone, I would state the name of the caller and then pick up. I was always correct and I didn't have caller ID, as a matter of fact caller ID didn't exist back then. That one was explained by me and anyone who saw this as knowing the different times of day that people are usually able to talk. That was all fine till one day the phone rang and I stated the name of a person that I hadn't heard from in 3 years - I was correct and the guy that was there was just blown away.

I still say coincidence.


That's not coincidence, it's psi -- a touch of telepathy and/or precognition. It's a common observation -- people seem to "call" us mentally before they pick up the phone and call us physically. It also works that you think of someone and a few minutes later they call. Sometimes that's coincidence, often it seems unlikely to be,

Knowing the song that's about to play: I was once walking to the supermarket and for no reason thinking of a fairly obscure '70s song that I hadn't heard in years -- "Time Passages" by Al Stewart -- and I walked into the store and it was playing on the PA system.

The funniest song coincidence I've ever had was once just as I began to drive into the Lincoln Tunnel, the radio began to play Bruce Springsteen's "Tunnel of Love."

Comment Pimpette

Ah, yes the sixth sense (for females - for males it is hunger).

You really had me thinking about all the freaky things today. How do we explain the wierd Ouija board things that I've been through?


Ooh, like what?? Tell, tell!

Comment Pimpette

Okay, I got it up on my blog:


Comment Pimpette

sorry - cancel that other link and here is the new one:

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