Goodenough Gismo

  • Gismo39
    This is the classic children's book, Goodenough Gismo, by Richmond I. Kelsey, published in 1948. Nearly unavailable in libraries and the collector's market, it is posted here with love as an "orphan work" so that it may be seen and appreciated -- and perhaps even republished, as it deserves to be. After you read this book, it won't surprise you to learn that Richmond Irwin Kelsey (1905-1987) was an accomplished artist, or that as Dick Kelsey, he was one of the great Disney art directors, breaking your heart with "Pinocchio," "Dumbo," and "Bambi."

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In the Larry King's interview on Jan 7 2005, a panel of six spiritual leaders offers their insightful views on the Dec 26 Tsunami disaster but none offer a plausible explanation for the causes.

The missing view is from the entity Seth (of Jane Roberts). You might have heard of him .He offers an unusual explanation on earthquakes as found in his book "The Nature of Personal Reality" -dictated through Jane Roberts.

[See my summary below and the relevant book transcripts on 1. dying under natural disasters 2. Earths and and periods of great emotional and social upheaval throughout the world


Dec26 Tsunami – we created & formed it?

In the Larry King's interview on Jan 7 2005, a panel of six spiritual leaders offers their insightful views on the Dec 26 Tsunami disaster but none offer a plausible explanation for the causes.
Reference to the interview ( with CNN’s Larry King, spiritualist Deepak Chopra said

“... there's lots of evidence, even scientific, that the earth is a living organism. Is it possible that our consciousness and the turbulence in our consciousness have anything to do with the turbulence in nature?”

“If we quiet the turbulence in our collective minds and we heal the rift in our collective souls,” Chopra said, “that could have an effect on nature’s mind -- if nature has a mind.”

In this regard, Seth (of Jane Roberts explains (see pg 405-409, Book reference below) that those in earthquake regions are attracted to such spots because of their innate understanding of the astonishing relationship between exterior circumstances and their own private mental and emotional patterns.
Here you can find individuals of great energy; of unstable, ‘excessively’ temperamental natures

They need a strong stimulus or impact with reality against which to pit themselves. However there is often a great impatience with social situations and unusual vitality. Such individuals operate at a high pitch, and en masse emit inordinate amounts of emotional non-physical qualities which being unstable affect the deep electromagnetic integrity of the earth's structure.

No event is predestined. Earthquakes and their resulting tsunamis are often associated with periods of great social change and unrest. The Aceh and Sri Lanka areas have been in turmoil for years. The earthquake caused a tidal wave on one side of the world, just as a stroke might affect a portion of the body far from the original damage

Here you can find individuals of great energy; of unstable, ‘excessively’ temperamental natures and with intense capacities for creativity and innovation.

If we believe that the earth is a ‘living organism’ then our planet has a body as much as we have. Our blood follows certain prescribed patterns - so does the wind. We are inside the body of the earth in those terms.

As your body is in a state of constant flux and chemical interaction, so is the atmosphere, which reflects on another level all of the psychic, chemical, and electromagnetic properties that exist within the body.

There is little difference between the currents of blood that flow through your veins, and the wind current, except that the one seems to be within you -and the other without. Both are manifestations of the same interrelationship and motion, however.

Your planet has a body as much as you have. Your blood follows certain prescribed patterns and so does the wind. You are inside the body of the earth in those terms.

As cells within your body influence it, so too does our individual body affect the larger body of the earth.

The weather faithfully reflects the feelings of individuals in any given local territory. Overall weather patterns follow deeper inner rhythms of emotion. We do not simply react to the weather, we also help to form it

Also in the same interview with Larry King, the Muslim scholar Maher Hathout agreed that the tsunami was not a punishment thrown down by God. He said: ‘It was an accident.’

Seth stated that, if we accept the possibility of the slightest, smallest, most insignificant accident, then indeed we must believe in a universe in which accidents are not the exceptions but the rule?

Once we accept that idea, then we must accept the idea of a random accidental universe, in which we are at the mercy of any accident in which mind or purpose have little meaning. In which we are at the mercy of all random happenings.

In such a universe, the individual has little hope for he will return to the non-existence that he came from. He has no control over his destiny and can be swept aside at any point by random fate over which he has no recourse.

The only answer to this is to realize that we form physical events - individually and en masse. We form and create the physical reality – including the Dec 26 tsunami.

K Y Wong
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Other attributed quotes by Seth on

1. Dying in a natural catastrophe – an unconscious choice?
No one dies under any circumstances or in a disaster who is not prepared to die. There is always some conscious recognition, however, though the individual may play tricks with himself and pretend it is not there. Even animals sense their dying ahead of time and on that level man or woman is no different.

Many more human beings are aware of their impending deaths than is generally known. It seems, perhaps, easier to have no conscious idea of the year or time that death might occur. Unconsciously of course each man and woman knows, and yet hides the knowledge.

The knowledge is usually hidden for many reasons, but the fact of death, personal death, is never forgotten. It seems obvious, but the full enjoyment of life would be impossible in the framework, now, of earthly reality without the knowledge of death.

Spiritually the death sentence given you is another chance at life, if you are freely able to accept life with all of its conditions and to feel its full dimensions, for that alone will rejuvenate your spiritual and physical self.

I believe those who die in catastrophes choose the experience – the drama, even the terror when that occurs. They prefer to die in the most dire circumstances – being swept away by the raging waves of an ocean or crushed by an earthquake or battered by the winds of a hurricane. They prefer to leave physical life in a blaze of perception, battling for their lives, at a point of challenge, “fighting” and not acquiescent.

Natural disasters possess the great rousing energy of powers unleashed, of nature escaping man's discipline.

And for the young who died under such conditions may hold the strong belief that old age represents a degradation of the spirit and an insult to the body. Slow death in a hospital or an experience with an illness would be unthinkable to these same people.

A catastrophe is used consciously or unconsciously according to the individual. Some people change their plans and I leave town a day before a disaster comes about. Others stay. None of this is accidental.

Unconscious material is admitted into consciousness according to those beliefs an individual holds about himself, his reality, and his place in it.

Those who want to use their unconscious precognition of such an event will take advantage of it and save themselves, and choose - not to be involved.

2. Correlations could be discovered between earthquakes and periods of great emotional and social upheaval throughout the world

extracted from book, pg 405-409

Night and day - represent the innate rhythms of your consciousness physically. Through natural phenomena, for you are not yet equipped to perceive longer duration days. Your nervous system would find great difficulty in rhythm in which a day was stretched out to be three or in a four times as long, for instance.

The rhythms of your body and of your consciousness follow the patterns of your planet. The planet itself is composed of atoms and molecules, each with their own kind of consciousness, however; and in the gestalt and cumulative cooperative organization of their nature the physical structure is formed - out of consciousness.

As this formation took place there was constant give-and-take between interior and exterior realities, in your terms. The growth of feelings, sensations, I am-ness, concepts and beliefs was paralleled by the resulting exterior manifestations of animal species, and mineral and vegetable emergences; with these came the growth of complementary neurological structures, and the precise physical formations, such as mountains, valleys, seas, and so forth needed to sustain them.

In greater terms all of these events occur simultaneously. To make this easier to understand, however, I am talking in terms of your time.

Your feelings are as natural a part of the environment as trees are. They have a great effect upon the weather. There are even connections that can be made, for instance, between epilepsy and earthquakes, where great energy and instability come together, affecting the physical properties of the earth.

Your feelings have electromagnetic realities that rise outward, affecting the atmosphere itself, but at the time we paid little attention to the implications behind such ideas. Beliefs are the formations of self-conscious. minds, even as buildings are at another level.

Beliefs direct, generate, focus, and harness feelings. In the context then feelings are being compared to mountains, lakes and rivers. Ideas and beliefs bring about those obvious man-made structures that imply self-conscious minds and ocean of interrelated social events.

Feelings are still dependent upon your neurological structure and its impact- with physical reality. An animal feels but it does not believe. Your feelings with their chemical interactions have, beside their subjective reality to you, electo-magnetic properties, as indeed your thoughts have.

But your bodies must rid themselves of chemical excesses in the same way that land must clear itself of excess water. There are what am going to call here "ghost" chemicals-aspects of norm chemicals that you have not perceived so far, where certain thresholds are approached in which chemicals are changed into purely electromagnetic properties, and energy released that directly affects the physical atmosphere.

As your body is in a state of constant flux and chemical interaction, so is the atmosphere, which reflects on another level all of the psychic, chemical, and electromagnetic properties that exist within the body.

There is little difference between the currents of blood that flow through your veins, and the wind current, except that the one seems to be within you -and the other without. Both are manifestations of the same interrelationship and motion, however.

Your planet has a body as much as you have. Your blood follows certain prescribed patterns and so does the wind. You are inside the body of the earth in those terms. As cells within your body influence it, so does your body affect the larger body of the earth? The weather faithfully reflects the feelings of the individuals in any. given local territory. Overall weather patterns follow deeper inner rhythms of emotion.

Those in earthquake regions are attracted to such spots because of their innate understanding of the astonishing relationship between exterior circumstances and their own quite private mental and emotional patterns. Here you can find - individual of great energy; of unstable, “excessively" temperamental natures, and with intense capacities for creativity and innovation. They need - a strong stimulus or impact with reality against which to pit themselves, ` however. There is often a great impatience with social situations, and unusual vitality. Such individuals operate at a high pitch, and en masse emit inordinate excesses of what I have called ghost chemicals.

Such emotional nonphysical qualities are unstable, and affect the deep electromagnetic integrity of the earth's structure. Obviously there have been earthquakes where there are no people, but in all cases the origins are to be found in mental properties rather than exterior ones.

Earthquakes are very often associated with periods of great social change or unrest, and from such locations the fault lines originate and are projected outward. They may then affect a generally unpopulated area on another continent, or an island, or cause a tidal wave on the other side of the world, even as a stroke might affect a portion of the body far from the original damage.

You do not need a self-conscious mind to feel, and in the "past," earthquakes represented the feeling patterns of species in the same way unstable conditions of consciousness that in themselves initiated natural phenomena, further altering the state of consciousness and the conditions of species as well.

In your terms consciousness is wedded with matter, and any of its experiences are physically materialized through interaction. There are great correlations between thunderstorms and psychic storms, for example, and between unstable electromagnetic properties of both feeling and thought, the brain's ability to handle these, and its need to rid itself of excesses. You do not simply react to the weather. You help form it, even as you breathe the air and then send it outward again. The brain is a nest of electromagnetic relationships that you do not understand. In certain terms it is a controlled storm. From it spring ideas that are quite as natural as lightning.

When lightning strikes the earth, it changes it. There are also changes that come about through the impact of your - thoughts upon the atmosphere. The great overall inner trust with which you were born forms the basis for the encompass-. Reliability of the physical earth. Your body dwells in the earth as you dwell in your body. You were born with a faith in your existence that automatically directed the proper functioning of your personal corporeal self. This provided the necessary stabilizing properties upon which your consciousness could play, and through which it could effectively and creatively operate.

The smallest atom has its own kind of built-in" integrity, upon which all of its organizations and alterations art', based, so generally there is a gestalt kind of permanence within" the body of the earth.

Yet with all of this there is always change, as with the experience of time in a linear fashion any event must "knock out" another one. In terms of your focus a given occurrence "takes time." You know that many events occur that you do not consciously perceive, but take on the word of others. In your terms, therefore, change is apparent. The body is altered.

Now: On other than conscious levels, simply as creatures, you are well aware of impending storms, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and so forth.


I wrote a whole bunch more on the tsunami, Including a reply to British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.


BTW, I'm a guy, but you're wrong about he anger being male. I could (but can't) introduce you to some angry atheist stuck in the Orthodox community that have XX chromosomes.

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