Here's the latest in what seems to be shaping up as a category of "Things That Give Me The Creeps":
My new Publishers Weekly arrived yesterday. The front cover, inside front cover, and first three pages are entirely devoted to an extended advertisement for a book called TRUE PROSPERITY: Success Without Side Effects, by Yehuda Berg. It's published by Kabbalah Publishing, which is an arm of the Kabbalah Centre, a self-described "educational organization" that has fifty locations and many celebrity enthusiasts. It's where Madonna got the knotted red string around her wrist. (Yehuda Berg described this in an online interview as "an old technology used to ward off jealousy and negativity from other people." You can see how that might come in handy if you were Madonna.)
The deep-purple grapes on the attractive cover of TRUE PROSPERITY seem designed as a subliminal echo of SECRETS OF THE VINE: Breaking Through to Abundance, the second bestseller by Bruce Wilkinson, author of THE PRAYER OF JABEZ -- books that have been criticized for promoting the message that "greediness is next to Godliness." Unlike the Wilkinson books, which are directed at Christians, the Kabbalah Centre asserts that Kabbalah is for "people of all faiths and no faiths." The message, however, is similar: spirituality is both a technology for acquiring prosperity and the prosperous person's ultimate acquisition, the crowning gem without which all the wealth and luxury in the world won't bring satisfaction. "SUCCESS PLUS!" trumpets the cover of PW. Here's a bit of the cold-blooded ad copy for TRUE PROSPERITY. It's this relentless new "spirituality" of success that gives me the creeps:
Kabbalah is first and foremost a highly practical set of tools and techniques for improving people's lives in the contemporary world. . . . Yehuda Berg describes True Prosperity as a solution-oriented guidebook. Its purpose is meeting the financial needs of the successful young trend setters who are driving the Kabbalah phenomenon. "They're looking for financial success without the emotional and spiritual downside that seems to come with wealth," says the author. True Prosperity focuses on hard core career topics like negotiation, goal setting, and compensation, all of which are an intrinsic part of authentic Kabbalah. [emphasis added]
Oh, really? I just helped my brother, David Gottlieb, edit a book of letters he exchanged with an eminent scholar of Torah, Talmud, and medical ethics (he's an M.D. too), Rabbi Akiva Tatz. Here's Rabbi Tatz in an excerpt from their book, Letters to a Buddhist Jew, forthcoming from Targum Press (scroll down through New Releases):
[S]earch for the masters. They are rare and retiring, but they can be found. . . .
To find mastery in Torah today you have to search for it as you would for treasure; it may be buried deep. You will have to exert yourself; you may have to travel. You will have to seek out that narrow niche where the real Torah is found. If you find it too openly on the street or calling to you from a seductive doorway, look away; if it is selling itself cheaply it is not Torah. Torah must be sought; but when you find it, you will know it. . . .
In this generation, look to those dedicated to Torah learning. These days, they are often to be found in enclaves of poverty, not wealth. In fact, in the modern yeshiva world poverty happens to be more or less the standard; I personally know many families in that world who live on less than you probably waste. A Buddhist monk who lives on the alms that provide him his one daily meal would feel right at home there. . . .
Rabbi Shach, Talmudic and halachic luminary, until his recent passing the Torah leader of this generation, used to sleep without a blanket. He did not own a blanket. A blanket, David. He used his coat; his wife used their only blanket. . . . [T]he only way the students in his yeshiva could get him finally to accept a blanket was when a Swiss student returned home and left his blanket behind ownerless; only when the other students assured Rav Shach that no-one else needed it did the Rosh Yeshiva acquire a blanket. This is not far-fetched; I had the privilege of visiting Rav Shach at his apartment . . . and I can tell you that it was bare.
You may know that the Chafetz Chaim, Torah leader of the pre-war generation, had virtually no possessions. A well-known anecdote tells of the surprise of a wealthy Western European Jew who visited the Chafetz Chaim at his home in Radin; the man expressed his amazement at the spartan emptiness of the home. The Chafetz Chaim asked him: “Where is all your wealth? You do not seem to have much, either.” The visitor replied: “Rabbi, I am only passing through. Where I am going, I have plenty.” The Chafetz Chaim replied: “I am also only passing through...”
But these great Torah minds were rich in another way. Their heads were in another place entirely, and in that place they were drunk with the richness and joy of Torah. . . . They live in the Talmud . . . That is the locus of their consciousness, that is where they live. . . .
To be sure, we need to live in the world, and when we engage the world we need to do that fully and responsibly. But that is not where we live; we live in that other place, on that higher plane.
[You've noticed that Kabbalah is not mentioned in this passage. It is mentioned, sparingly but rivetingly, in Letters to a Buddhist Jew. As Rabbi Reuven Bulka, who "chairs the religious and inter-religious affairs committee for the Canadian Jewish Congress," told Toronto Star writer Leslie Scrivener, "Serious students of Kabbalah don't identify themselves as Kabbalists. Those who do, don't say."]
Contrast the lifestyle of Rav Philip Berg, founder of the Kabbalah Centre, as described by former followers to cultwatcher Rick Ross:
In stark contrast to many of their full-time followers the Bergs seem to live a life of comfort. "Both of them eat the best and most expensive things ever. They live like kings" says a one-time member of Berg's "crew." One former "hevra" [live-in volunteer] worked long days for Berg often filling up on cheap pizza--only to "see a van being unloaded with food worth hundreds of dollars for Karen's three dogs." Another account relates how "the Rav [Berg] and Karen more than once took limousines, at the expense of the center, to gamble for their pleasure in Atlantic City. They even told of their experiences when they returned."
Simon Parke of the Independent adds in 2004 that "The Kabbalah Centre is said to be worth at least $23m and its founder, Rabbi Philip Berg, has three homes in Beverly Hills."
So which is true spirituality? (Keep in mind that the Jewish tradition, unlike both Christianity and Buddhism, doesn't regard poverty per se as radically spiritual. It's generosity to the poor that is a mitzvah, a commandment. It's the way one treats others that is a sign of spiritual development. Rabbi Tatz's and David's book is full of awesome examples.)
The Bergs -- Philip and his sons Yehuda, author of TRUE PROSPERITY, and Michael, author of the forthcoming BECOMING LIKE GOD -- claim in the PW ad to be heirs to "a direct lineage of great Kabbalists . . . Rav Yehuda Brandwein, one of the greatest Kabbalists of the last century . . . Rav Yehuda Ashlag, whose translation of the ancient mystical book . . . The Zohar was a turning point in bringing Kabbalistic teachings to the modern world." In his 1997 online article Has Madonna Joined a Cult?, Rick Ross makes short work of these claims:
Who is Philip Berg? His name was originally "Feivel Gruberger", a former insurance agent he married a niece of the kabbalist Rabbi Brandwein and distributed his books. However, his claim that he continues in the path of the kabbalistic rabbis Ashlag and Brandwein, and that they are the founders of his center-- "arouses the wrath of the authentic heirs of these two rabbis. 'There isn't a shred of truth in his claim,'says Rabbi Ashlag's grandson with anger." Who adds "They [the Kabbalah Centre] are degrading the Zohar (the central work of the Kabbalah). The distance between my grandfather and Berg is as the distance between east and west." "He is far removed from Rabbi Brandwein," says Baruch Horenchik, the late Rabbi [Brandwein's] right-hand man. "He is a zero. The Rabbi [Brandwein] never acknowledged him."
Berg left Brandwein's niece, his first wife and their eight children to marry his second and current spouse Karen. They have two sons, Yehudah and Michael--"the heirs." But according to reports "outside of his own Centre and circle of followers, neither the academic nor the Jewish religious worlds know anything about him except for the anomalies of his centers." And "he is universally condemned by both the orthodox rabbinate and contemporary schools of Jewish mysticism in Israel, the USA and elsewhere, as a charlatan."
Ross goes on to detail cultlike goings-on at the Kabbalah Centre, where, he claimed in 1997 -- quoting people who'd left -- non-celebrity devotees were subjected to abuse, virtual servitude to the wealthy and abjectly revered Bergs, and mind-control techniques much like those described by escapees from Scientology, Krishna Consciousness, Rajneeshism and the Moonies:
One ex-member says "You are always in a status of worthlessness. You don't sleep right; you are zero spiritually, you don't have a moment to think about what they tell you. Then you transfer to the stage of parroting: you take all the sentences they tell you and tell them to yourself." Some who have left compare their time after leaving the center to "rehabilitation from drugs." So "painful [an] experience that it brought some to thoughts of suicide." One former member claimed going "cold turkey" on "Bergism" is " worse than drugs."
Former members speak of abject obedience and servitude. They say the Bergs decide "everything connected to the lives of the crew, who marries who, who separates, who leaves the country and goes to another branch, and when he is to be transferred even from there. [Berg] is asked whether it is permissible to become pregnant, and Karen [Berg] is asked how to have sexual relations." One former follower admits, "I felt it was a great mitzvah [meritorious act] for me to clean Karen's washrooms. I used to clean her slippers with a toothbrush."
Celebrity devotees, on the other hand -- including Roseanne Barr, Elizabeth Taylor, David Beckham and Posh Spice, Winona Ryder, Paris Hilton, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Britney Spears, according to a 2004 Enquirer article -- are "treated royally," in exchange for lavish financial contributions and, of course, their PR power: priceless. (Mick Jagger's ex Jerry Hall balked at being expected to pressure wealthy friends to donate a tenth of their income.)
One of the more amusing allegations on Ross's website is that Karen Berg -- "once 'introduced to Barbara Streisand as "the real Yentl,"'" and soon to publish GOD WEARS LIPSTICK, another product of the fantastically prolific Kabbalah Publishing book factory ("twenty new titles in less than a year") -- has had extensive cosmetic surgery. "God Gets Facelifts"?
Moral of the story: if something gives you the creeps, there's a good chance there are creeps involved.
- amba
UPDATE: Read Yossi Klein Halevi's 2004 exposé of the Kabbalah Centre at Jewish World Review (originally from The New Republic). "The Centre doesn't merely trivialize Kabbalah; it inverts its intention. . . . Where Kabbalah's goal is to transcend this world, the Centre's goal is to master it . . . and ensure total human control over creation." The ultimate, oh so Hollywood goal (are you ready?): Physical immortality! Now that beats facelifts!
And here's the last word on the red string.
UPDATE II, 1/17/05: Not only can Kabbalah deathproof you, according to these hucksters -- it could even have Nazi-proofed you:
[O]ne of the [Kabbalah Centre's] leaders reportedly blamed Jews for their fate in the holocaust. The six million who were killed at the hands of the Nazis died because they weren’t practicing Kabbalah, Rabbi Eliyahu Yardeni, a Kabbalah Centre teacher told a BBC investigator in a report schedule to air on Thursday.
“Just to tell you another thing about the six million Jews that were killed in the Holocaust. The question was that the Light was blocked. They didn’t use Kabbalah,” Rabbi Yardeni told the BBC reporter."
Yardeni is allegedly "very close" with Madonna.
May I recommend Adin Steinsaltz, and Aryeh Kaplan as excellent alternatives to Berg.
Posted by: Objectivist | January 25, 2005 at 04:20 PM
Annie dearest:
I so loved this entry on your blog site. Now I am not Jewish as you know, and I only know about Judaism through college courses and in the course of hearing the Old Testament read in my church, Sunday School lessons, etc. You know, the miracle stories, and all that. But you have hit the nail on the head when you said creepy feelings means creeps might be involved.
The Old and New testaments talk about the tithe. Most especially, they talk about PROMISES and COVENANTS between GOD and the Human race. ( I refuse to limit it to "man", even knowing that women were chattel back then). They talk about the Kingdom of God. And they talk about it here and now. The early Jews knew how to speak to God and more importantly, listen for his wisdom and advice. Their hearts weren't cluttered with earthly possessions. Hell, they were enslaved for thousands of years and had nothing but their Faith.
So I too, have trouble with this Kabballah stuff. I have known people who are on the search for their spirituality who have studied this, and they are reluctant to share what it is about with me. If God were really just about acquiring money and things, for the blink of the universe that we are here on earth, what would that serve? How would that glorify God? How would that Praise God? What legacy would that leave for the humans who have not yet come into their earthly bodies? Where does it place the SOUL? If God is Love, and Light and Peace, he certainly doesn't care if we have a sou between us, he just wants to be with us and have us share our being (in our temporary bodies) with Him. He wants us to have the light, the love and peace in our lives. He doesn't want us to have anxiety, debts, be aggressive and nasty with others, He wants us to devote our minds, bodies and souls to loving ourselves and our neighbors as ourselves. I just don't think possessions matter.
One of the most cathartic things I have ever done was throw out over half of my stuff when we moved . . . . I still have more than I need. I am trying to really ask myself when I want something if its want or need. I need God, God's light, God's love, God's peace. I also need God's Joy, sense of humor, and a few other things that can only exist in the realm of the spirit. How silly to think I can obtain those things of the spiritual realm through objects in the physical realm. Of course they are incapable of loving, providing me with real happiness and the contentment that a relationship of my soul with God can do. And if all that is available for the asking and for the work of keeping in touch, free, of course, isn't that the completion of the circle that excludes the treasury building that Kabballah Bergs are trying to propagate????? It seems to me to invalidate their logic. . . .
Love, Margie
Posted by: Margaret Pearson | May 12, 2005 at 04:08 PM
We live in an Artscroll world. You can learn a page of SHAS a day with an artscroll, learn a lot of nifty things, and never learn how to learn or master the ocean of ideas and concepts that the Gamara presents. The Kabbalah Centre is Kabbalah "Artscroll". You can read their English Zohar and hear their trite wisdom easily, without working towards it in a meaningful way. I imagine Kabbalahniks would fold pretty fast if they had to learn Hebrew or Aramaic and chew through the Tomer Devorah, Sfas Emes, or Sefer Charedim. For the slackers out there, I'd reccomend reading through the Artscroll SHAS 101 times (at least) before opening the English Zohar.
Posted by: Yosi | June 02, 2005 at 12:40 PM
Thank you for this post! The faux-Kabbalah peddled by these blatantly greedy phonies is an embarassment to Judaism.
Posted by: Seth Chalmer | July 17, 2005 at 02:45 PM
You seem upset about the kabbalah center and money- thats ridiculous some rightous people are wealthy others not.Modern orthodox judaism, conservative and reform judaism to a lesser extent places great virtues honor and covet on the wealthy- while ignoring the poor impovreshed or less family adjusted structured of jews in golut.This has always been this way jews america give great covet to wealth.As for the point they want kabbalah for financial purposes-this is true but thats american culture western civilization with all races and creads. You cant marry a jewish woman today unless you have money its not like idealistic love of different epochs in history..One thing i give the kabbalah center great respect to is their kindness that ive experienced personally and their unity. The rest of us could learn tremendous things from that.As far as who has divine rights to learn the zohar- who are any of we to judge that?Are you a prophet? are any of your sources truly prophetic not mumbo jumbo ruach hakodesh we here every day coming out of Israel?The rabbi of the kabbalah center in boston rav daniel and his father outshone and surpassed by leaps and bounds any rabbi or roshyeshiva i met in boston with 2 exceptions. Due to lashon harah i dont want to name those 2 rabbis.The other rabbis i met in boston were bad and thats a complement- i dont judge on 1 visit - now i do but i gave many of those pranksters an ironic twist you call the kabbalah center- many many many many strikes.Very few modern orthodox seek to break their materialistic desires for inner breslov contemplation. So money meditation quest/success goes to berg- meditation inner quest goes to buddhism/ yoga and regretably christianity at a very increasing rate.The secular middle the majority have nothing their just alive im not sure if they realize it though many of them.The saddest thing i ve seen about american judaism is spiritualty seekers cant find it in Torah at least yet- and frum from birth jews are anti spiritual.Spiritualty to them is a defect a danger a jolt a fear.I think this has been set up deliberately where every jew before geulah has a chance to express to Hashem his/her personal expression. Thats the way it is for better or for worse. Finally i realy realy think because the religious roshei yeshivas, kollels- exception chassidic kollels breslov / chabad have ignored sod/zohar and even distain it yet still call themselves roshei yeshivas kollels- this not rav berg gets us in a lot of trouble. Woe to those rabbis who ignore the zohar chasfer shalom distain it they cause poverty suffering and destruction to the world- fromyaakov abuchatzeira.This is where heavens anger truly resides- like a gentile hiding behind an image with nospiritual contentbehind it this is what many of these talmidim have been poisened by in kollels and roshei yesshivot everywhere- except chassidik kollels.Ive witnessed destruction of of pictures of the lubavitcher rebbe in one yeshivah at the roshei yeshivas request/ witnessed a student kicked out of a yeshivafor praising the lubavitcher rebbe by the roshei yeshiva who was one of the main students of rav shach- Hashem yerachamim you bring such people to rule us/ and rule you. One russian yeshivah student told me had to sneakbreslov into the yeshivah for it was banned- a main student of yaakov kamenetzky.These are all true words i was there in all episodes. I dont want to mention where because even though i hate them i dont want to cause them harm.Hate is strong but when someone tries to take your soul you hate......
Posted by: Yoav David | August 29, 2005 at 09:21 PM
A follow up to what i said earlier- ive visited the kevrim of besht, nachman, berdicev, rabbi akiva, meron, safed etc... ive met true tzaddikim who are known to many in israel but i feel its ayin hareah to mention them on the internet.Where i live in boston the 4 reform shuls were the leaders in supporting gay/ lesbian marriage in boston they wore kippot and sung with the gays for it- marriages and gay/ lesbian dating are performed in these 4 shuls 2 others a few miles away with female kippad rabbis- have open arms to gay/ lesbian. For spiritualty in jewish circles is very confused with gay/ lesbian auras Of the 5 orthodox shuls inm my community only one the sephardic shul of course God bless them- they also recite the whole of tehillim together every shabbat before mincha.Personally i think the other shuls are just the final echoes of a dying breed of orthodoxy in america they dress the partbut they dont have it- whats to have unity and acceptance of other jews besides that fat ego.As berg rightly says ego can only be broken through deeper understanding of Torah- these 4 other ashkenazy shuls i mentioned are devoid of spirituality.Jews gentiles who seek answers through judaism for chaos have no i repeat no i repeat no answers in these places-theyd be more confused from them in reality then before they entersed them in most cases.Im shomer shabbat/ tefillah/ shleimut haaretz/ eat kosher- but unless you fit a certain mold you cant fit into thes 4 shuls mentioned above.the 2 chabad shuls outside my radius have much chassidus/ and a copy of zohar here and there. My final analysis is ironically this if we could get out of the klippah of Torah without chassidus wed leave exile in mercy. Regrettably the mittnagim from the gra there are individual examples i know throughout the world to the contrary- dont find a purpose for breslov/chabad/ kahane/or zohar.This is to me the antithesis to Torah for i cant think of 4 more important schools for todays neshamah then those 4 both for individual development/and love of israel/ etc.I honestly now reflecting feel badly for these neshamos they are so stuck judaism dry tasteless see the previous quote from yaakov abuchatzeira on this is the exact aspect lack of sod does-drying of waters chasfer shalom.Whether we like to admit the zohar says we will taste from zohar in end of days and be redeemed- do these shuls/institutions/kollels/roshei yeshivot/ baal habaatim/ etc etc etc etc believe it- an ironic analogy that just came to me before the shoa religious jews didnt think the nazis would actually do whatthey ended up doing- jabotinsky spoke rav kooke etc no one wanted to listen . Who led the return to tzio irreligious tough strong determined young jews with an intention of settling the land of israel.Till the last 17 years they were quite sucessful/ begining intifada alot of their physical prowess started to evaporate.Similarly today in america rav shimon says well be redeemed in mercy through zohar. The yeshivas take the opposite approach we will stay forever in golut with pshat- a strange metaphor for what happened to religious jewry in its overall lack of understanding before the shoa.Baruch Hashem for rav berg that at least he has the strength and perseverence to dissemenate the torah like jabotinsky rallying us to israel before the shoa. As for degrading the man as a sharlitan as not big in some big mans eyes- i laugh- does this big man no souls- does he no the tachlite for every individual .Ive only met one person in person who did-where i knew it was true- .Gazunt to berg if hes the vessel chosen to spread zohar.Slandering a man as you have in public is a serious prohibition- where if you dont ask for forgivness publicly there is punishment.You have no right to try to take another jews dignity away that is more sacred then his life.I suggest you take your aim at heavier cult much more of a concern to heaven. the secular universities/highschools in israel that brainwash them into no faith in a God.The reform movements complete amalak like violation of supporting and endorsing homosexual/lesbian leanings in young jews throughout america.The disturbing hebrew/christian cults.The fourth cult i already mentioned the cult of Torah without sod- for thats the root of the above 3 cults. Shalom good shabbat- next year in jerusalem
Posted by: yoav david | August 29, 2005 at 10:40 PM
A follow up to what i said earlier- ive visited the kevrim of besht, nachman, berdicev, rabbi akiva, meron, safed etc... ive met true tzaddikim who are known to many in israel but i feel its ayin hareah to mention them on the internet.Where i live in boston the 4 reform shuls were the leaders in supporting gay/ lesbian marriage in boston they wore kippot and sung with the gays for it- marriages and gay/ lesbian dating are performed in these 4 shuls 2 others a few miles away with female kippad rabbis- have open arms to gay/ lesbian. For spiritualty in jewish circles is very confused with gay/ lesbian auras Of the 5 orthodox shuls inm my community only one the sephardic shul of course God bless them- they also recite the whole of tehillim together every shabbat before mincha.Personally i think the other shuls are just the final echoes of a dying breed of orthodoxy in america they dress the partbut they dont have it- whats to have unity and acceptance of other jews besides that fat ego.As berg rightly says ego can only be broken through deeper understanding of Torah- these 4 other ashkenazy shuls i mentioned are devoid of spirituality.Jews gentiles who seek answers through judaism for chaos have no i repeat no i repeat no answers in these places-theyd be more confused from them in reality then before they entersed them in most cases.Im shomer shabbat/ tefillah/ shleimut haaretz/ eat kosher- but unless you fit a certain mold you cant fit into thes 4 shuls mentioned above.the 2 chabad shuls outside my radius have much chassidus/ and a copy of zohar here and there. My final analysis is ironically this if we could get out of the klippah of Torah without chassidus wed leave exile in mercy. Regrettably the mittnagim from the gra there are individual examples i know throughout the world to the contrary- dont find a purpose for breslov/chabad/ kahane/or zohar.This is to me the antithesis to Torah for i cant think of 4 more important schools for todays neshamah then those 4 both for individual development/and love of israel/ etc.I honestly now reflecting feel badly for these neshamos they are so stuck judaism dry tasteless see the previous quote from yaakov abuchatzeira on this is the exact aspect lack of sod does-drying of waters chasfer shalom.Whether we like to admit the zohar says we will taste from zohar in end of days and be redeemed- do these shuls/institutions/kollels/roshei yeshivot/ baal habaatim/ etc etc etc etc believe it- an ironic analogy that just came to me before the shoa religious jews didnt think the nazis would actually do whatthey ended up doing- jabotinsky spoke rav kooke etc no one wanted to listen . Who led the return to tzio irreligious tough strong determined young jews with an intention of settling the land of israel.Till the last 17 years they were quite sucessful/ begining intifada alot of their physical prowess started to evaporate.Similarly today in america rav shimon says well be redeemed in mercy through zohar. The yeshivas take the opposite approach we will stay forever in golut with pshat- a strange metaphor for what happened to religious jewry in its overall lack of understanding before the shoa.Baruch Hashem for rav berg that at least he has the strength and perseverence to dissemenate the torah like jabotinsky rallying us to israel before the shoa. As for degrading the man as a sharlitan as not big in some big mans eyes- i laugh- does this big man no souls- does he no the tachlite for every individual .Ive only met one person in person who did-where i knew it was true- .Gazunt to berg if hes the vessel chosen to spread zohar.Slandering a man as you have in public is a serious prohibition- where if you dont ask for forgivness publicly there is punishment.You have no right to try to take another jews dignity away that is more sacred then his life.I suggest you take your aim at heavier cult much more of a concern to heaven. the secular universities/highschools in israel that brainwash them into no faith in a God.The reform movements complete amalak like violation of supporting and endorsing homosexual/lesbian leanings in young jews throughout america.The disturbing hebrew/christian cults.The fourth cult i already mentioned the cult of Torah without sod- for thats the root of the above 3 cults. Shalom good shabbat- next year in jerusalem
Posted by: yoav david | August 29, 2005 at 10:41 PM
I wrote the last 2 comnenteries to this blog . In hindsight id like to parenthetically add-im not chasfer shalom downgrading gemmarra learning or compliance with the shulchan aruch, im simply saying if one is zoche to have a calah and learns Torah as an occupation its a shunder to have no chassidus-or zohar learning whatsover- repeat repeat im not downplaying gemarra or shulchan aruch.Most things in life in history are neged keneged neged maybe it could be people are spouting divine names meditating on mandelas of names who dont keep halacha is because those that do dont.May the lubavithcher rebbe the king mashiach for sure..... redeem us speedily .....
Posted by: yoav david | September 03, 2005 at 08:36 PM
Im ashamed its slichot -tshuvah- i wrote last 3 blogs- basically when I was religiously starving bergs kabbalah center was the only people who even bothered too give answers- I realize how low our generation is- may Hashem bring geulah Now.
Posted by: ashamed | September 24, 2005 at 11:41 PM
“Wow,” it is really nice to read a post from someone that knows a subject well and is able to get their point across. I am really looking forward to your next post.
Posted by: law of attraction | May 12, 2008 at 04:15 AM